Pregnancy Highlights:
How far along: 37 weeks
Size of Baby: Baby Mackenzie is about the size of a watermelon and should be weighing in at around 6.5lbs.
Total Weight Gain: Around 23lbs.
Maternity Clothes: As if there was another option at this point! I even feel like some of those shirts are becoming a little too short. .
Movement: I feel like she moves more now than not. Which is great except for when I want to sleep!
Sleep: My joints are hurting everywhere! This makes getting comfortable very hard. Plus just rolling out of bed in the middle of the night is getting difficult. I think I might have to resort to sleeping sitting up soon. Not excited about that but sleep is sleep at this point!
What I Miss: What don't I miss?! Mostly just little things like being able to sleep through the night.
Cravings: Stupid donuts! Only gave in once in the last 2 weeks though so I am not worried that it's an addiction or anything.
Symptoms: Joint pain. . Heartburn . . Lower back pain. .
Labor Signs: Contractions although they are not in any sort of rhythm yet.
Best Moment this Week: We are on weekly appointments now. At my last appointment everything looked good. Mackenzie is measuring in the 50th% for her growth which is good. Due to 2 high blood pressure readings my doctors don't think they are going to allow me to go to my due date. We will find out more tomorrow at my next appointment!