Friday, April 8, 2011

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I don't even know how to title this post. As I sit here watching the countdown to the government shutdown, I am feeling so many different emotions. I must say that I do love Anderson Cooper. He knows his stuff, he speaks his mind and takes up for the military. I am in complete disbelief that this budget deal should have been done LAST year. The fiscal year is over in September 2011 and they aren't clear on a budget? Aren't we halfway through the fiscal year already? 6 extensions? Just seems crazy to me. I am upset that the people that fight so hard for this country might not get a full paycheck. What if they only fight half as hard as they could for this country? That would be not only unacceptable but it is not the moral code of any soldiers I know. The worst comment I have heard so far through this whole thing is where one law maker made that comment that she couldn't afford to give up any of her $170,000 a year salary due to the fact of "things going on in her life". Really? But you don't give the military the option to get paid or not. I hope that everyone can come to terms and agree on something. Not only because of course my income is on the line, but for everyone else as well. I have never seen or remember hearing about such a thing as this. Let's hope for the best. Right now, I am not too hopeful and am preparing myself for the worst. Just in case.

Before I close this out it just came across that they came to an agreement. This will keep the government funded until Thursday. Which is good for us. My only concern is what about next year? Or the year after. And it was said that since the senators are so tired from this whole thing they are probably going to take the weekend off. Well I am glad that they get a break since this was so hard on them. But lets hope that they come back to work on Monday with their heads on straight and really trying to work to get a solution to this problem. Being a military spouse is never easy. This is just something else that I signed up for and will deal with. . but not without a little anger. =)

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